Clinics and Services


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ADHD Checks and Review

The Purpose of Monitoring your ADHD

As part of your ADHD diagnosis, you have been prescribed a medication that needs regular monitoring.

We understand that day-to-day life can become more difficult when living with ADHD.

The benefits of taking the right steps for you will create a positive impact in school and/or work as well as improve connections with family members and friends.

The Physical Health Check Up

We need to check your weight, pulse and blood pressure every 6 months.

You can do this at the surgery, no appointment is needed. Alternatively, you could do these checks yourself at home, by using a blood pressure and pulse monitor machine and a set of scales and reply to the text we will be sending you.

Once we’ve heard from you, we will contact you to book in your telephone consultation with our clinical pharmacist to do the medication review.

The Medication Review

Our clinical pharmacist will contact you on an annual basis while you are on this ADHD medication.

The review will include checking that the current medication you are using is working for you and that you still feel there is an ongoing benefit to being on the medication. They will check if you are having any side effects with your medication. They will check on your general well-being and if you are managing to remember to take the medication every day. They will check that your blood pressure and pulse have been within the normal range, and that your weight is remaining stable.

In normal circumstances, the medication review will be signed off without any concerns. In a minority of cases, the clinical pharmacist may need to ask your specialist to consider adjusting your medication. In these cases, they will make the referral for this, and you can wait to hear from the specialist directly.

Your pharmacist will not be able to make changes to your ADHD medication themselves, but will ensure that this is considered by the specialist if it is needed.

Adult Care Services

Do you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled or mentally ill?

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for another person who cannot cope without support in their day-to-day life.

We are interested in identifying carers, especially those who may be caring without help or support.  Carers are often “hidden”, looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day-to-day tasks and may not identify themselves as a carer.

Caring for someone is an important and valuable role, which is often a 24-hour job that can be very demanding and isolating.

As a carer, you are entitled to have your needs assessed by Adult Care Services.  A carer's assessment is a chance to talk about your needs and the ways you could receive help. It also looks at the needs of the person you care for. There is no charge for an assessment.

If you think this could apply to you or someone you know, please let us know my contacting us online.

Adult Immunisation

We provide the following adult immunisation:

  • Influenza/Pneumonia: We offer these vaccinations to all our patients who fall into the relevant age category or those at particular risk from heart, chest, diabetic and few other medical conditions. The vaccination targets "killer" strains of ‘flu’ that has caused epidemics in this country over the last few years.
  • Shingles: The shingles vaccine is recommended for some older adults and people with a severely weakened immune system.

Antenatal Clinics

All of the GPs provide antenatal and postnatal care. Our antenatal clinic is run by our attached community midwife and is by appointment on Wednesday mornings.

Asthma Annual Review

Our Practice has introduced an annual review of all our asthmatic patients to ensure that each patient is receiving the most appropriate and beneficial medication for their condition. These patients will be seen by our Practice Nurse.

The appointment will last approximately 20 minutes during which you will be asked various questions to assess your symptoms, measure your peak flow, assess your inhaler technique (Please bring your inhaler with you) and answer any questions you may have.

Cervical Screening (Smear Tests)

Depending on the result and the patient's age, these should be done every three to five years. A reminder will be sent when you are due. As a routine procedure, smears are normally done by the practice nurse.

Women aged between 24 and 64 should have a cervical screening every 3 to 5 years to help prevent cervical cancer. The screening is quick and painless and can be done here in the practice.

If you are aged over 24 and have never had a smear test, or if it has been more than 3 to 5 years since your last screening, you should arrange an appointment with our Practice Nurse. You should not have the test while you are having a period or in the 4 days before or after your period as this can affect the sample.

Learn more about cervical screening

Child Development Clinic

We provide development checks for babies aged eight weeks. These are by appointment.

Child Immunisation

Invitations will be sent to parents of all children in the practice when immunisations are due. No child should now be denied full immunisation without a true contraindication, which is rare.

Find out more about when a child is due a vaccination on the NHS website

COPD Annual Review

We annually invite our registered COPD patients to be seen by our Practice Nurse for a routine check.  This check is very important to ensure that all is well and to answer any questions you might have relating to your COPD.  

The appointment will take 20 to 30 minutes and will include an update on any symptoms that you are experiencing, measurement of your breathing capacity by asking you to blow into a meter and a check that you are using your inhalers in the best way. There will be time for any questions that you may have. Please bring your inhaler with you.

Covid Vaccination

Get information about COVID-19 vaccination, who can get it, and safety and side effects

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations on the NHS website

Diabetic Annual Review

We annually invite our registered diabetic patients to be seen by our Practice Nurse for a routine check.  This check is very important to ensure that all is well and to answer any questions you might have relating to your diabetic control.  

You will need to make an appointment for a blood test followed by a follow up appointment for review. Please take any medication as normal with water. Please bring a urine sample with you if you have not already sent one off.

Our Practice Nurse will review you and will carry out some checks including weight and foot examination.  This appointment will take approximately 30 minutes.  If the nurse has any concerns, or you would like a further appointment to discuss things in greater depth with your own registered doctor, Reception will arrange a mutually convenient time for you at a later date.

The aims of this service are to ensure that all our diabetic patients have a regular medical check and the opportunity to discuss anything relating to their diabetes with a member of our Primary Health Care Team.  We would envisage annual checks, unless it is deemed more appropriate for you to be seen on a more frequent basis.  

We hope that you will take up this opportunity to ensure that together we can achieve the best care for our diabetic patients.

Family Planning Services

All doctors offer contraceptive advice during normal surgeries. Some GP offer coil/implant insertion and removal as well. Routine family planning advice is also available from the practice nurse by appointment.

Flu Vaccination

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Health Checks

If you are aged 40 to 74 we can offer you healthchecks with one of our nurses. During the 30-minute appointment, information such as your age, gender, family history, height, weight and blood pressure will be collected, and you will be offered a cholesterol test. There will also be questions about your lifestyle. This health check is designed to help you identify your chances of developing a range of diseases. If there is an element of your lifestyle that you would like to change to help reduce your risks, we can help and support you to do so.

Patients in the above age group will automatically receive an invitation for this Health Check every five years. Please note: these appointments are arranged via invitation only.

Learn more about Health Checks


We carry out private medical examinations for those who require them for personal/insurance reasons. 

See more information on non-NHS services we provide

Travelling Abroad

The surgery offers NHS Travel Vaccinations to patients registered at our Practice. Nurses offer individual assessments of travel risks and offer appropriate vaccinations including antimalarial. Occupational health risks are the responsibility of patients' employers. Please make an appointment with the nurse up to eight weeks before travel.

Visit our Travel Information page

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